This "Oregon Trail Mural" is part of a larger initiative by Vale businesses to encourage tourism. The consulting artist is Karl Schutz, founder of the Chemanis, B.C. mural project that has been very successful.
We finally got back to our own time zone, and the clocks in the car and on the computer are right again. Plus, we gained an hour today!
We ate lunch in Washington Park in Burns (go figure!). The park also boasts this sculpture of the Statue of Liberty.
We encountered several dust devils on the road, including one that really rocked the car as we drove right into it. This one crossed ahead of us.
This is the George Millican Road, one of the crowning achievements of Forrest's brother Scott Cooper during his tenure as Crook County Judge. We appreciated the nice pavement, wide shoulders and no traffic. Scott says it is widely used by trucks at night to bypass Bend and Redmond on their way south.
Somehow, entering Crook County felt like a milestone on this journey to Forrest.
If you click on the picture to blow it up, you will see hundreds of shipping containers at the Les Schwab plant. We wondered if this is now their method of storing old tires in the high desert.
Mom fed us a wonderful steak dinner, which we enjoyed with Scott and Laura's family. Forrest got a short visit with Jared before his family took off for Michigan, and we plan to visit Grandma Williamson tomorrow on the way out of town.
Stay tuned to this blog for a few more days, as we will finish our journey tomorrow, and wrap it up with last-minute entries and statistics on Sunday.